Ambry Celebrates a Milestone Year
Ambry is looking forward to an exciting 2018, after experiencing a year of reaching important milestones and seeing many changes in 2017. From joining the Konica Minolta family, to the launch of our paired testing in our mission to understand all disease, to say it was a busy year is an understatement.
Test Launches
Ambry pioneered simultaneous paired (somatic and germline) testing with the launch of TumorNext-LynchTM and TumorNext-HRDTM in June. At this year’s National Society of Genetic Counseling annual meeting, Andrea Forman of the Fox Chase Cancer Center presented on how genetic counselors at the institution relied on Ambry’s paired testing for increased diagnostic clarity. Check out our webinar of the presentation here.
This fall we announced ResearchNext, our pledge to help fund genetic research by offering grants to researchers seeking to understand disease. Though the deadline of January 15th is fast approaching, there is still time to apply on our website.
Throughout the year, we presented a total of 95 posters, 26 presentations and 34 published articles all to promote our goal to increase understanding of human disease. One of Ambry’s studies, Biallelic mutations in the ferredoxin reductase gene cause novel mitochondriopathy with optic atrophy, was published in the journal Human Molecular Genetics and shows how Ambry’s dedicated researchers were able to both discover a rare, debilitating hereditary illness and provide an answer to clinicians treating patients suffering from it. More information about all of our research is available here.
Konica Minolta
Ambry’s biggest news this year came in July, when it was announced that Ambry would become part of the Konica Minolta family. As Ambry looks to the future with Konica and other businesses as diagnostic partners, we know we are going to make a huge step forward for genetic diagnostics and precision medicine.
Commercial Changes
Tom Schoenherr, who has more than 20 years of experience in the molecular diagnostics space, joined our staff in December as Chief Commercial Officer, to help build upon our vision. Ambry is confident Mr. Schoenherr will be able to leverage Ambry’s long history of innovative quality testing to lead our expansion into new markets, specifically in precision medicine.
For 2018, Ambry is looking forward to combining our technologies with Konica Minolta to accelerate precision medicine and our understanding of all human disease.