• By Valerie Smart
  • Posted October 24, 2017

An 18-Year Survivor of Breast Cancer Shares Her Story

My name is Valerie Smart. I’m a wife and mother with three beautiful children, two boys and a girl. And I am an 18 year breast cancer survivor. This is my story. I was diagnosed with a stage II ductal carcinoma (a type of breast cancer) in August of 2000. I had eight cycles of chemotherapy and 30 days of radiation followed by Tamoxifin. I lost…

  • By Nicole Schweppe
  • Posted October 18, 2017

My Breast Cancer Journey, Part 2- How I Prepared for Chemotherapy

I like to prepare for the worst but hope for best. When I started chemotherapy for my breast cancer, I knew what it meant for my hair and body. I was aware of the side effects and what each cycle could bring. To physically get my body ready for chemo I did a few things that might sound trite or shallow, but I knew they would help me feel somewhat…

  • By Souzan El-Eid, MD, FACS
  • Posted October 17, 2017

A Breast Cancer Surgeon Offers Perspective on Patient Care

An estimated 252,710 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017.1 Early detection of breast cancer is critical for successful treatment of this disease - women who are diagnosed with early stage/localized breast cancer have a 5-year survival rate of 98.9% 1 We hope that this Breast Cancer Awareness Month will inspire more people to discuss…

  • By Nicole Schweppe
  • Posted October 12, 2017

My Breast Cancer Journey, Part 1- Your Thoughts are Your Reality

My breast cancer journey started on March 31st, 2017. I sat in the doctor’s office for my follow-up appointment after my lumpectomy. Before the lumpectomy, I was told I had less than a 1% chance of the tumor being cancerous by three different doctors. I sat there and told my doctor about my workout regime and that the incision was a little…

  • By Karen Malkin Lazarovitz
  • Posted September 21, 2017

How I Lost My Lady Parts But Gained So Much More

My story begins more than 9 years ago, when my father called me to say was having genetic testing. His cousin had just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and had a known BRCA mutation. Many people I’ve spoken with have no idea that they can inherit this from their father, but I did. It is vitally important to meet with a genetic counselor before…

  • By Eve Mart
  • Posted June 22, 2017

Do-It-Yourself Support Systems for Cancer Survivors

When I was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008, I sought out a multidisciplinary approach to battle my illness, after learning that outcomes tend to be more favorable when compared to following traditional approach. As part of this dynamic approach, I met with various medical and social services professionals. I met with a social…

  • By Deepti Babu, MS, CGC
  • Posted April 14, 2017

Ambry Genetics and Leading Academic Researchers Collaborate to Improve Knowledge of Genetic Risk Factors for Breast Cancer

New clinical evidence collected from >65,000 women with breast cancer demonstrates 83% of positive test results are found in genes that impact clinical management Multi-gene germline genetic testing allows for efficient analysis, maximizing risk assessment while minimizing the time needed for results. This has been particularly effective…

  • By Eve Mart
  • Posted February 16, 2017

The Ebbs and Flows of Sexuality After Having Cancer

I’ve put off discussing this topic because I didn’t know how or where to start. But two days after Valentine’s Day or otherwise, it’s relevant. I want to come from a place of positivity, but truthfully, I can’t seem to get there right now. It was more than 8 years ago that I went through treatment for early stage breast cancer, which…

  • By Tiana Adams, PA-C, MBA
  • Posted January 26, 2017

There's Nothing Like The New Year To Take Charge Of Your Health

What better time than now to take charge of your health? This time of year can be very busy for many people, but it’s also a great opportunity to start the year out right by seeing your doctor and scheduling an annual mammogram. The United States Preventive Services Task Force recommends that women at average risk for breast cancer who are 50-74…

  • By Theresa Smith
  • Posted January 19, 2017

So My DNA Is Messed Up...What Do I Do Next?

Editor’s Note: At a time when we might consider the year ahead, we thought it helpful to re-post this entry from Theresa Smith, patient advocate, who offered her "next steps" after learning at age 45 that she carried a BRCA2 mutation. Sharing the news about my genetic test results with my immediate family was tough. I'll offer some…