• By Tiana Adams, PA-C, MBA
  • Posted January 26, 2017

There's Nothing Like The New Year To Take Charge Of Your Health

What better time than now to take charge of your health? This time of year can be very busy for many people, but it’s also a great opportunity to start the year out right by seeing your doctor and scheduling an annual mammogram. The United States Preventive Services Task Force recommends that women at average risk for breast cancer who are 50-74…

  • By Theresa Smith
  • Posted January 19, 2017

So My DNA Is Messed Up...What Do I Do Next?

Editor’s Note: At a time when we might consider the year ahead, we thought it helpful to re-post this entry from Theresa Smith, patient advocate, who offered her "next steps" after learning at age 45 that she carried a BRCA2 mutation. Sharing the news about my genetic test results with my immediate family was tough. I'll offer some…

  • By Bill Rotter
  • Posted December 29, 2016

Let's Not Forget The Cancer Caregivers

Having been diagnosed as a male with breast cancer almost three years ago to the day, I often reflect on how that diagnosis has changed my life forever. There was an immediate emotional impact that I felt that day, one I will never forget. I am quite sure that unless you have experienced the cancer journey, its many steps along the way are difficult…

  • By Jackie Connor
  • Posted December 18, 2016

Congratulations to the 2016 Battle for the Breasts Winners!

The Mauli Ola Foundation has announced the winning team of their 3rd annual Battle for the Breasts (B4TB) online surf contest, as of the end of October, which was also Breast Cancer Awareness month. As a proud sponsor of the competition, Ambry would like to congratulate the winning team of professional surfer, Dimity Stoyle of Maroochydore, Queensland,…

  • By Eve Mart
  • Posted December 15, 2016

Not Just For the Holidays: Thoughtful Gifts for Breast Cancer Patients

This past year I had the honor of being selected as a Miami “Model of Courage” (MOC) for the Ford Warriors in Pink (WIP) campaign. As their mission statement says, “Ford Warriors in Pink is dedicated to helping those touched by breast cancer,through actions that support, inspire and empower patients, survivors and co-survivors throughout…

  • By Jackie Connor
  • Posted December 14, 2016

Dr. Fergus Couch Talks with Ambry about Recent Study Findings

At Ambry we had the exciting opportunity to talk with Dr. Fergus Couch, Mayo Clinic Researcher, about his involvement with our Mayo Clinic research collaboration. “Breast cancer risks associated with mutations in cancer predisposition genes identified by clinical genetic testing of 60,000 breast cancer patients,” which was the largest hereditary…

  • By Jackie Connor
  • Posted November 16, 2016

Quality Genetic Testing and Why it Matters on Lifetime's 'Access Health' Television

Genetic testing has become an impactful method for clinicians to help their patients confirm their chances of inheriting a genetic disease. Testing quality is an imperative element in determining a patient’s next steps and whether their family members should also be tested. On November 16th, Ambry CEO Aaron Elliott, PhD and Robina Smith, MD,…

  • By Theresa Smith
  • Posted November 10, 2016

These Are My Genetic Test Results… Please Don’t Shoot the Messenger

Editor’s Note: We are re-posting Theresa Smith’s entry to tie in with National Family History Day on Thanksgiving in two weeks in the U.S. Theresa was kind enough to update her piece on the importance of sharing family history and genetic test results, as challenging as it may be at times. Check back here in two weeks

  • By Jacqueline Washle
  • Posted October 27, 2016

Surfing for Breast Cancer Awareness

It seems as though breast cancer awareness is all over the media these days. Pink ribbons are exceptionally easy to find, and it is with good reason. About 1 in 8 women in the U.S. is diagnosed with breast cancer. Let that sink in for a minute. That really puts it into perspective! At Ambry Genetics, we are determined to lower that statistic and…

  • By Jackie Connor
  • Posted October 26, 2016

Research Shows BRCA2 may be Linked to Brain Tumors

In 2016, it is estimated that 246,660 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in women and 2,600 cases in men and out of those cases, only about 5-10% will be hereditary. The most common cause for hereditary breast cancer cases are due to mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Thanks to recent research at Ambry, it is now…